ARK: Survival Evolved Fear Evolved in-game event starts today |
The fourth annual Fear Evolved in-game event kicks off today in ARK: Survival Evolved. The Halloween-themed event returns with DodoRex, DodoWyvern, spooky chibis, and more. During the ARK: Fear Evolved 4 event, players get 2X experience, harvesting, taming, and breeding. In addition to many fan favorites from past Fear Evolved events, survivors will find themselves on the hunt for eleven new spooky themed chibis to add to their growing collection, seven new ghostly dinosaur skins, and more fun, including: |
Author: DEMO USER | 21.05.2024 - 19:13 |
FlrstBornUnlcorn on 21.05.2024 19:13Still don't get why they're gonna release their 11th gen. The 12th will be released few months after and will need a new socket anyway. |
Finerto on 21.05.2024 19:13So weird that the review embargo hasn't lifted on a CPU series that is supposed to launch tomorrow |
Brko Bosanac on 21.05.2024 19:13Still don't get why they're gonna release their 11th gen. The 12th will be released few months after and will need a new socket anyway. |
Juzoo on 21.05.2024 19:13Is this only moving forward or is it retroactive? |
NamelessHero on 21.05.2024 19:13With that GPU prices? Haha GG! |
Who_Dares_Wins6 on 21.05.2024 19:13Is this only moving forward or is it retroactive? |
Cliff Unger on 21.05.2024 19:13I believe AMD are partnering with Microsoft on an open-source version of AI assisted image reconstruction software which could pave the way of two image upscaling technologies battling it out within the next five years - open vs proprietary. |
AnglePositive on 21.05.2024 19:13Oh Todd! |
RafalEater on 21.05.2024 19:13Some people don't have that kind of money, specially if they bought a z490 motherboard. Besides, any platform has to last two generations at the very least. |
Svitman on 21.05.2024 19:13Still don't get why they're gonna release their 11th gen. The 12th will be released few months after and will need a new socket anyway. |
Who_Dares_Wins6 on 21.05.2024 19:13Still don't get why they're gonna release their 11th gen. The 12th will be released few months after and will need a new socket anyway. |
I_AM_DEATH_ on 21.05.2024 19:13Backpack for his applesauce |
sickill0r on 21.05.2024 19:13I wasn't aware of that. I guess AMD just pushes it harder then. Either way, free stuff is always nice when you're already spending $400+. |
OMG_its_a_HULK on 21.05.2024 19:13Is this a joke? How will you get the game when you can't even get the card? |
Abba_on_Feathers on 21.05.2024 19:13Is this a joke? How will you get the game when you can't even get the card? |
ThisIsBalkan on 21.05.2024 19:13With that GPU prices? Haha GG! |
Xaneleon on 21.05.2024 19:13Some people don't have that kind of money, specially if they bought a z490 motherboard. Besides, any platform has to last two generations at the very least. |
Tykez on 21.05.2024 19:13About time Nvidia started to offer something with their products. AMD has been doing it for awhile. When I upgraded my system back in January between the CPU and GPU I bought I was able to snag Borderlands 3, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, and the Outer Worlds for free. |
TossACoinToYourWG on 21.05.2024 19:13So that the people who bought into the LGA 1200 platform get their money's worth with a decent upgrade path. |
vODkjha on 21.05.2024 19:13I like the show Monster Factory, of course thats now being done by Griffin and Justin McElroy independently of Polygon. |
AliceUnchained on 21.05.2024 19:13So weird that the review embargo hasn't lifted on a CPU series that is supposed to launch tomorrow |
iDraconis on 21.05.2024 19:13I dont think the problem lies with developing the technology especially when you have Microsoft contributing to this (and they're the software experts) but rather how does AMD integrate this technology into their hardware and possibly reach out to more developers than Nvidia do with their proprietary DLSS? Is it easier to implement than DLSS? Is it more efficient? If the answer to both is yes then AMD's solution will edge out and create the bigger ecosystem of open-source AI assisted image upscaling technology leading to less developers being reliant on DLSS. |
I_AM_DEATH_ on 21.05.2024 19:13Some people don't have that kind of money, specially if they bought a z490 motherboard. Besides, any platform has to last two generations at the very least. |
ArtoriusVigo on 21.05.2024 19:13I wonder if AMD plans on rolling it out at the end of the year, AMD are known for releasing bid driver updates at the end of the year with new features, it wouldn't surprise me if this Super Resolution is one of them or it could be it's just not ready and might get rolled out early next year. |
xXXTHE_PUNISHERXXx on 21.05.2024 19:13Still don't get why they're gonna release their 11th gen. The 12th will be released few months after and will need a new socket anyway. |
PaPaPawian on 21.05.2024 19:13So that the people who bought into the LGA 1200 platform get their money's worth with a decent upgrade path. |
Dobitak on 21.05.2024 19:13Oh Todd! |
Hr_Ferguson on 21.05.2024 19:13This is test comment |
Aljo_DaNinja on 21.05.2024 19:13There is a leak that protagonist will be female which triggered a lot of capital G gamers. It isnt confirmed but would love for it to be true just to trigger those people more. |
Skillroidz on 21.05.2024 19:13So that the people who bought into the LGA 1200 platform get their money's worth with a decent upgrade path. |
Xaneleon on 21.05.2024 19:132. DirectML is intended to be a per engine or per developer implementation with neural networks if you want to get DLSS results. In short, not even Unreal Engine can likely easily achieve any meaningful results chasing this goal in a short period of time (it would probably take then 3-6 years without the right assistance) to get anywhere meaningful with this. Thus the only hope is someone at scale, such as AMD or Nvidia, implementing it and making it available for others. DLSS already exists so this just leaves AMD. AMD has a track record of poor R&D efforts regarding such technologies. In fact, almost all of their technologies were acquired via 3rd parties. In addition, Nvidia is a world leader in AI and it took even them some time to reach this point. AMD is not. AMD also has a history of poorly supporting its technologies and low quality results due to this, if not outright abandoning them at some point shortly after making them available. AMD did create Mantle, which died, but did set a foundation for both DirectX and even more so Mantle which were clear step forwards for the industry so they deserve credit for at least this partial accomplishment. |
Never_Iucky on 21.05.2024 19:13So that the people who bought into the LGA 1200 platform get their money's worth with a decent upgrade path. |
JWRadetzky on 21.05.2024 19:13I dont think the problem lies with developing the technology especially when you have Microsoft contributing to this (and they're the software experts) but rather how does AMD integrate this technology into their hardware and possibly reach out to more developers than Nvidia do with their proprietary DLSS? Is it easier to implement than DLSS? Is it more efficient? If the answer to both is yes then AMD's solution will edge out and create the bigger ecosystem of open-source AI assisted image upscaling technology leading to less developers being reliant on DLSS. |
Heart4Games on 21.05.2024 19:13How exciting! Chips that won't release for many months will run hotter and slower than the Ryzens you can get next week! Plus you'll need entirely new motherboards so they'll cost hundreds more too! I can hardly wait! |
Who_Dares_Wins6 on 21.05.2024 19:13I'm super hyped for this game. The beta weekend was mad fun so this is a solid get imo. |
Wieledrog on 21.05.2024 19:13Sweet little lies. |
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